Shit, I don't think my body can take much more BJJ this week... I'm bolloxed...
I just finished a grueling session plus a private with Victor Estima on the open guard. Here's what I did as a reminder to myself.
Step One - Create Space to obtain Outside Hook Guard
In open guard with both wrists controlled and feet on the hips. Create space by pushing the hips back. Opponent often stands up, come into the Outside Hook Guard. Control the ankle.
Scenario A - Left Outside Hook/Right Arm wrist control
Sweep A - To the back
Controlling his right wrist with my right arm. Simultaneously pull back on his arm and push away his knee with the extended leg. Release the left arm holding the ankle and grab the belt. Keeping the grip on the wrist you can go to the back.
Sweep B - To Mount
Pass the right wrist between his legs and grip with the left arm. Grab some collar with the right arm. Push the knee with the extended leg, pull down with the collar and obtain mount.
Scenario B - Left Outside Hook/ Left Arm wrist control
Sweep A - To Mount (Opponent going forwards)
You are controlling the left arm instead. Posture up to get your back off the floor. Push on the knee with the extended leg and pull the left arm down, looking over the right shoulder, and use the grip on the ankle to help tip the opponent over.
Sweep B - To Mount (Opponent going backwards)
Trickier now. Place the right foot onto the right hip. Release the left leg outside hook and place it inbetween the opponents legs. Snake your hips onto the left side. Push the hip back, the arm forward and sweep the left leg with the back of the left heel. Since you still have control of the right leg the opponent cannot step back and falls backwards. Keep the grips as these with help you be pulled onto the opponent in the mount.
I hope this makes sense to myself as I read it back at a later date.