For the first time in many months, probably four, I went to No Gi class at Gracie Barra Brum. Wow, I really enjoyed myself! I'm not sure if its a case of me getting better or there being a large amount of white belt level guys there but I cruised. I slapped on several Triangles, RNCs and a Papa John Calf Crank. I even went for a Gogoplata at one point and almost sunk it. That particular submission is still one I have yet to finish someone with.. It's time will come.
Anyway, the most important part of the night was my showdown with Justin. Justin, for all of you whom haven't rolled with him (erm, all of you I reckon), is one of those guys who is very very strong and relies on his strength heavily when rolling. I think he is just the sort of grappler that will remain a white belt forever as he doesn't play a technical game and just uses his raw power. Saying that he still is very difficult to deal with as if you do not possess a sound technique his power will win. He is also an extremely stubborn tapper, you really have to get it on for him to tap. I rolled with him twice last night, the first time was a backwards and forwards struggle but I got the upper hand on points. Second time around he played his game again, he powered past my guard and went for head and arm control. I faked bridging one way and then quickly reversed my energy the other getting the sweep and ending in side control. He was still able to power me over but this time I had enough space to put him in a Reverse Triangle. Like I said, he's a stubborn sod and it took me a while to get him to tap but he did.
And there it was, my first submission win against Justin. For me that is such a landmark as my technique finally was good enough. Even when he was in good position I was happy that I wasn't in danger and that I could escape. It's like something out of a B Movie were the hero works hard and beats his first foe only to find out that he has just seen the tip of the iceberg in what he can achieve.
As a side note for the evening I never felt tired. I'm sore today but cardio wise I was fit to go all night. Must be doing something right!
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