Friday, 27 April 2007

Handstand Push Ups

It's been a good week. BJJ training on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Strength training on Tuesday consisting of Bench, Chin Ups, Pull Ups, Dips followed by a 4 mile run. I want to improve my Handstand Push Up performance (video above for an example of Handstand Pull Ups) so I did 5 sets of negative isometric holds. Starting upside down I lowered myself a bit and held for 5 seconds, then went a little lower. I followed this with 5x5 sets of normal Handstand Push Ups. I finished with a 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 set of Chin Ups. If I had more time I would of done some sets of medicine ball push ups, ab wheel roll outs and a run but time ran out.

I would love to work towards a Planche and an Elbow Lever.

Nutrition wise my diet recently has consisted mainly of eggs and wheat bread for breakfast, fruit and nuts for lunch and then eat with the family in the evening. I received a copy of 'Lifefood Recipe Book' today so I'm looking forward to mixing in some ideas from that into my diet. I can't currently live 100% on Lifefood but having some in my diet is a good thing. Not sure how I'm going to incorporate it into my diet through the long Cricket season. That's a challenge.

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